Top 10 IoT Influencers of 2018 You Should Follow

A list of influencers who are making an impact in the world of Internet of Things.

It’s absolutely amazing how IoT has the taken the world by storm. Today, all the leading software and hardware developers are optimizing their tech for IoT implementation. The future we all predicted where everything is connected is not that far away. But we often overlook the geniuses who make this all possible. They might be a core developer or even journalists who keep track of everything IoT related. In the age of social media, keeping up with the IoT influencers have become very easy. Also, having an online portal where we can converse with them makes everything even better.

So let us introduce you to the Top 10 IoT influencers who are making an impact in the IoT world. Don’t forget to follow them on social media so that you can stay updated!

Jürgen Schmidhuber – Chief Engineer at NNAISENSE

Soruce:Jürgen Schmidhuber:Linkedin

The best thing about IoT is that even tiny devices can play the role of an integrally connected device provided that there is an AI tying up everything together. So let’s meet Prof. Jürgen Schmidhuber, the man behind many advanced AI-based applications that we use today. He was one who developed the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), which went on to revolutionize machine learning enabling them with advanced capabilities and faster learning. The AI systems he has developed are extensively used by tech giants like Google and Facebook. He works at NNAISENSE where he was one of the founding members.

Follow Jürgen Schmidhuber on @Twitter and @LinkedIn

Tamara McCleary – CEO,

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Tamara’s profession can be summed up as an internationally acclaimed branding expert. However, that description is just the tip of an iceberg as her interest falls into multiple verticals, mostly technology. She is the founder and CEO of Thulium, a company dedicated to providing brand amplification. Her name was on the list of Onlytica’s Top 100 IoT influencers in 2017. The accolades don’t stop there as she is also ranked one among the top 25 influencers in AI/Machine learning. Again in 2016, she earned the title of a Most influential woman in March by B2B marketing. Don’t forget to follow Tamara on social media too, if you are an IoT enthusiast.

Follow Tamara McCleary on @Twitter and @LinkedIn

Evan Kirstel–CoFounder, Evirahealth

Soruce:Evan Kirstel:Twitter

If you want a name which is synonymous with IoT and Social media marketing, then meet Evan Kristel. He has been helping clients all over the world on how to integrate technology into businesses and help them gain more user base. He is the co-founder of Evirahealth, a company that specializes in everything business related and health technology. This is where we see his love for IoT being blending with everything that he does. In his own words,

“This is changing the way we work, the way we live, the way we play, as well as how we practice sports, engage in fitness, and interact with healthcare. IoT has an impact in every area of our lives, without exception. There is always some new and interesting scenario or use case for Internet-connected devices”.

Follow Evan Kirstel on @Twitter and @LinkedIn


Tom Raftery- Global Vice President, SAP

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Tom Raftery is the Global Vice President of SAP, and he loves technology. When scouring through his social media posts, you won’t fail to notice how each of his posts are focused towards future technologies, Emerging fields in computing and IoT. In one of his latest articles, he writes “The IoT hype is over – but the trough of disillusionment typically precedes mainstream adoption. Customers have by now generally accepted IoT as the main driver of digital transformation, however, in 2018, they will be looking for business value and outcomes in every project. There is no doubt that all newly released products and installed assets will be connected with an increasing amount of sensors and intelligence embedded.”

Follow Tom Raftery on @Twitter and @LinkedIn

James Whittaker – Distinguished Engineer, Microsoft

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Meet the man who played a major part in developing the IoT ecosystem at Microsoft – James Whittaker. He is an engineer at Microsoft who experiments with IoT and loves to talk about it. Microsoft has launched an IoT in Action series where we can find James Whittaker explaining IoT in all of its glory.

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Follow James Whittaker on @Twitter and @LinkedIn

Andy Stanford-Clark –Chief Technology Engineer, IBM

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Andy Stanford-Clark is the chief technology engineer at IBM, and he is a master engineer with over 40 patents to show for it. His field of choice is Telemetry, and he is now one of IBM’s distinguished engineers at IBM Watson Internet of Things Platform. This puts him right in the center of IBM’s IoT platform, helping clients utilize IoT to further develop their business. Make sure to follow  Andy Stanford-Clark for all IoT related innovations.

Follow Andy Stanford-Clark on @Twitter

Sarah Cooper – GM IoT Solutions at Amazon Web Services

Soruce:Sarah Cooper:Twitter

When we talk about IoT, we cannot help but mention Amazon, the e-retailer who is now becoming a part of our homes with their intuitive IoT solutions. If you want to know what Amazon is up to these days in IoT, there is no other person better to explain it to you than Sarah Cooper, GM IoT Solutions at Amazon Web Services. She is also the Vice Chairwoman of Internet of Things Community. She has 15 years of experience building and testing the IoT platform. She is also one of the prominent figures in the tech world, empowering more women to choose this career path.

Follow Sarah Cooper on @Twitter and @LinkedIn

Dion Hinchcliffe – VP & Principal Analyst, Constellation Research Inc.

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Don Hinchcliffe is a man of many talents. He delves into many plateaus like business development, IT, and is a professional speaker. He is also an ardent IoT enthusiast who follows technologies around the world.

He writes, “Few technology developments will ultimately have the global cultural, business, and economic impact of the Internet of Things (IoT.) While today IoT still looks like an industry largely concerning itself with factory automation, connected light bulbs, air conditioning controls and so on, the eventual objective is clear even to a casual observer: Nearly everything in the world is about to become connected and data-driven, from the most trivial object to virtually every significant item in our personal and work lives.”

Follow Dion Hinchcliffe on @Twitter and @LinkedIn

Chris Anderson – CEO, 3D Robotics

Soruce:Chris Anderson:Twitter

Chris Anderson is the CEO of 3D Robotics, and he runs three other projects called DIYRobocars, DIYDrones, and Dronecode. If you regularly read tech magazines, his names pop up quite often because he also served as an editor for WIRED magazine.

In his own words “Today, the new Internet of Things model is based on simple open standards: Arduino, WiFi, and Web APIs. The model is open to innovation and community creation. And the devices are being created by regular people with their own needs, not big companies.”

Follow Chris Anderson on @Twitter and @LinkedIn

Tony Fadell – Cofounder, Nest

Soruce:Tony Fadell:Twitter

If you have purchased IoT based devices for your home, then one of the popular brands is Nest. Did you know that the CEO of Nest is also one of the founding father of the “iPod”?! we are talking about a man who has focused his business to developing IoT solutions for customers – Tony Fadell. He is also one of the pioneers who actively experiment with tech to bring new and interesting gadgets to the market.

Follow Tony Fadell on @Twitter and @LinkedIn

Have you been following them on social media, if not, then do it now! When it comes to IoT, the technology is evolving at a staggering rate. And at the helm of this evolution, we can see that these influencers are paving that for them to do so!

Internet of ThingsIoT Influencers 2018Top IoT Influencers