Virtual Content Now Monetized Real Time with Gaze Coin

Gaze Coin is a cryptocurrency tech that offers powerful and secure monetizing solutions for VR based advertising that benefits advertisers and content creators.

As the digital age expands with growing technology, as tech innovators introduce gadgets and concepts, creativity gains more ground for expression. However, this also spells into further complexity for monetizing content that is neither strictly based on downloaded material, nor  is as generic as a video streaming service. When it Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality headsets, monetizing is a challenge as it is technologically restrictive to determine how long one has been viewing the content or the advertisement.


The introduction of Gaze Coin, a blockchain based cryptocurrency for AR/VR and first of its kind, works along with the eye gaze tracking technology to register the amount of time a consumer has viewed an advertisement. It uses the eye gaze of the user as the basic unit for charging an amount to advertisers and content creators.

This cryptocurrency uses the patented technology that combines the eye control of the consumer with blockchain technology. The concept is to calculate the exact time the consumer has been watching the AR/VR content or an advertisement or an interactive material made for the platform. It then calculates the time, matches it with the relevant amount and creates a micro-transaction that charges an advertiser for the time his advertisement has been watched. Also, it pays the content creator the right amount as compensation for airing the advertisement and rewards the consumer for watching/consuming the creator’s content. Thus Gaze Coin helps consumers, as well as content creators and advertisers, get their fair due through accurate digital monetization.

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What also sets Gaze Coin as unique is that it is not advertising oriented. Rather, it provides incentives for content developers as well as consumers from their growth pool. It also takes into account the security and encryption aspects when it comes down to monetizing content. And, it accomplishes this by using decentralized and highly secure blockchain technology that has been making waves for the past few years. We have already talked about this in one of our articles that discuss security on AR devices.

Gaze Coin token is a cryptocurrency for AR/VR based on Ethereum based tokens. Also, a consumer can buy or sell this Ethereum cryptocurrency on VR/AR platforms or outside of them. A user can also exchange them for other Ethereum based tokens.



Gaze Coin has been successful in overcoming many hindrances that made monetizing VR/AR based content difficult. Most importantly, it is possible to accurately calculate the Return on Investment on VR/AR campaigns. This subsequently helps in gaining accurate statistics on consumer behavior concerning with advertisements and VR/AR based contents. As such, more systematic and sensible advertisement placement is possible. The introduction of this new cryptocurrency for AR/VR not only helps content owners and advertisers monetize their creations, but also assist in keeping track of the content right from the beginning to the end of its life cycle.

The introduction of Gaze Coin bodes well in promoting more content creators to develop AR/VR based content.

AR TokenBlockchainCryptocurrencyGaze CoinVirtual RealityVRVR Token