Samsung Aims To Patent The Folding Augmented Reality Glasses

This new revelation proves that the tech biggie is now showing interest in exploring the different domains of Augmented Reality.

In recent news from the world of AR and VR, it has been revealed that the South Korean tech giant, Samsung is seeking a patent on the foldable augmented reality glasses that comes with a frame activated screen.

Unlike the early stages of mixed reality development in which Samsung focused on virtual reality rather than augmented reality, this new revelation proves that the tech biggie is now showing interest in exploring the different domains of Augmented Reality.

The application submitted by Samsung to the US Patent & Trademark Office details foldable glasses with very thick frames meant to store the electronic tech, similar to the Samsung Gear VR.

Source: Samsung:uspto

The glasses are quite in the early stages of its development but the technology used in the AR-enabled glasses seems pretty amazing as the glasses will automatically turn on when the user unfolds it for use. This tech will ensure the conservation of energy as it will shut down itself once the user folds it.

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The glasses contain tiny projectors that will showcase the image in front of the glasses once they are opened. Although Samsung’s design showcases that the images displayed on the projector will be translucent and will appear on wearer’s field of vision enabling it in a way that it provides 3D depth.

The glasses are also incorporated with magnetic sensors that will make sure that the glasses are in an unfolded condition when it’s in use.

Source: Samsung:uspto

These new glasses are very unlike Microsoft’s HoloLens and Magic Leap One that wrap fully around the head of the user while these new glasses seem the little upgraded version of the normal glasses giving the user comfort and ease while using it.

The foldable AR glasses are however in the infant stage of its development and it’s only a patent for now making it quite unsure whether the product will ever hit the market or not. But it’s interesting to note that the South Korean company seem quite invested in the technology and we can hope for these amazing glasses on sale in the market in the coming future.

AR GlassesAugmented RealityFolding AR GlassesSamsungSamsung AR Glasses